Buttercream Chocolate Frosting on Chocolate Sponge 🎂
#TAC 30 🎂 #BirthdayCake #JoyofBaking #Firstattempt #frostingfromscratch
Healthily yummilicious 🍽
Welcome to The Amateur Chef, my very own passion project filled with tasty and healthy content. Explore my blog and all that I have to offer; perhaps The Amateur Chef will ignite your own passion as well. As the title suggest, this blog is a truly amatuer's attempt at collecting some interesting recipes and modifying it into healthy possibilities. The blog helps me share all that I have tried and loved. It keeps me engaged when I need a creative outlet and my academic mind needs a break. It might help me look up when I want to try it some day myself (if you know how bad my memory is) and my circle of folks to try these out and relish as I did myself.
This blog is a compilation of the dishes I have tasted, relished, tried and shared for foodies like me who love to celebrate food the healthiest way possible. No recipe here is invented by me. It's a collection that has beautifully inspired me. Most of it have been collected over the years from other lovely folks. Some are collected from the internet. No recipe however, is directly lifted off . You will find some modification made to the original recipe and a part of my experience added. Hence, no direct credits mentioned. As the title suggests it's an amateur chef's attempt to reach out to folks interested to experiment with culinary art. Neither the nutritional facts nor the health quotient mentioned on the blog are certified by any professional. It is merely a sharing of my experiences and information gathered.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Do browse through and explore what I have to share :)
The blog is in its infancy and just a couple of recipes have been shared now. I look forward to share more with your love and encouragement.
Subscribe to stay connected with the blog. :) Show some love if you like anything on the blog and spread the word. It might help someone enjoy the joy of cooking, tasting and feeding.
P.S. You will find some for your cheat days too :D